Our one-stop preclinical platform provides end-to-end solutions, from disease modeling and diagnostic…
Alfa Cytology stands at the forefront of biotechnology, specializing in the development and preclinical…
At Alfa Cytology, we offer a comprehensive suite of preclinical services tailored to advance cancer…
Alfa Cytology is committed to the development of neoantigen cancer vaccines, with the discovery of…
The United Science Group successfully hosted the 2024 International Conference on Cancer Research and…
CRO are specialized entities that offer research services on a contractual basis to innovators…
Adjuvants are an important part of vaccines. Alfa Cytology has extensive experience in adjuvant selection…
The application of mRNA in cancer vaccines is extensive. Alfa Cytology offers a one-stop service for…
Humanized animal models are important in the preclinical evaluation phase of cancer vaccines…
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